Interesting Concept (Spoiler alert)
Lack of lategame depth. All you had to do to win was to get an insanely high income. Granted the first 20 minutes were fun, but afterwards, it was basically a question of income and number of soldiers. Contrary to popular opinion, I liked the preset game spaces. They gave more depth by creating strong and weak points. Btw, to those who complained about only few watch spaces, you can place the watch towers behind the walls. They are much more effective that way.
Fun early game
Interesting game mechanics
Extremely boring late game (which was extremely easy, or hard depending on income)
Lack of more interesting enemies. Interesting ideas would be flying, artillery (to make the user more active), lane changing units, stealth units, its up to you.
Lack of more interesting late game dynamics. It becomes too easy. But that is not the cue to make enemies harder. It is to say that it should not be easy to get 30000 income. Interesting dynamics would be upkeep, taxes, or some other form of money flow in addition to the factories.
I think it would be more interesting if there was just more variety in general.
Besides that, however, it is quite a fun game, but once you beat it, theres not much else to do.