
76 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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ooh, I caught you just in time.

Your intro was sublime. It was incredibly smooth and had quite a nice touch of house stabs. (did you create those sounds yourself?). The Breakdown was very organic and reminiscent of film music. The whole song is quite nice. I just loved the smoothness of the entirety. For me, it was also nice because it was a departure from commercial trance. Well made, well played.

Mrmilkcarton responds:

Ya, most of the synths in this song I made from scratch. The stab was some reverse delay on a pluck I made in Sylenth1.

Nice sounds

I think the processing could use some work (such as mastering). The sound that comes in at :14 should be a little quieter in my opinion. The bass is really nicely done though. I would use a different kick though because it doesn't create the kind of pumping sound that I'm expecting. The melodies are terrific.

At :42, my jaw dropped at the power of the chord progression and the pads that just flow in. At 1:20, same thing. The sounds really help the melody become something quite special. Really, your melodies never cease to amaze me. Keep working at it.

TeHLoY responds:

Well... I do lack samples, so getting a kick sound is pretty hard. And mastering is one field of music that I have almost never touched.
Thanks for taking time to review my stuff, I know you're busy anyway. :)

I really like the Dn'b style

The filter sweep at the beginning was really cool. I think it could be lengthened a bit for a longer buildup. (idk, that's just what I like).

The leads are pretty fitting, and the piano is amazing. I love the dry sound because it sounds more real and gives it a more old school feel.

If you're going to turn this into a full song, I think you should add some bass to complement the leads and give the melody some more harmony.

Voted 5.
4.45 / 5.00 (+ 0.062)

Downloaded. :D


TeHLoY responds:

Hmm... I thought I replied to this ages ago...

But thanks for reviewing this anyway, great to see that you like this...

I don't really think I'll lengthen this, unless I'm reeeaaaallly bored someday. =/

Really nice here.

As always, I love your creativity. I loved the arp around 1:50, and the lead sound that comes in at 2:44. (That's a processed piano right?). The melodies are just great. I"m not sure, but it sounds like you've been experimenting with sytrus.

Anyways, here are some tips.

The bass is really rich sounding, however, the percussion doesn't do it justice. The kick is a bit hollow sounding. In my opinion, I would opt for a more deep sounding kick that has large decay in the low end. The high hats are fitting, but the clap doesn't quite fit with the high hats. Since the high hats are in the 5k+ frequencies, I would use a clap that contained those frequencies, and then cut out the lower frequencies and add some high reverb to it.

Either that, or keep all the percussion, but change the high hats to make them fit with the kick and clap (which do actually fit together).

Oh, and another thought: sidechaining. It would sound really good with this bass and make the track have a more bouncy feel, which I feel would be appropriate.
Overall, nice job, and huge improvement. Looking to see what you do next.


TeHLoY responds:

Thanks for yet another really constructive review. =D

I think it's time for me to download more sample packs. Mine is way too small. =/
You're right, a more "trancier' kick would be better, I tend to choose kicks that sound more natural than electronic.

So the claps and hi-hats don't agree? I had this feeling that it did sound weird together, and you're right.

I do feel that the bass does take away from the kick, maybe they play too close together. I don't know why, but I tend to notice these stuff after I finish them. Really annoying.

Once again, thank you for this really constructive review. I simply love the tips you give, they help a lot.

Oh, and the synth at 2:44 is a heavily EQed saw pluck. Sounds like a piano, doesn't it? =D

Really Cool

Love the Gorillaz too. I especially like the Feed Me remix of Melancholy Hill. Love the effects you use on the vocals. The song could use some bass though. A wobble would be pretty fitting here imho.

MrTranquility responds:

Thanks for the critique dude! Although honestly I tried bass several times with some LFO it just didn't fit all that well and kind of overpowered the vocals. Just the same I hear where you're coming from.

Haha, this is good, even though I dislike Benassi.

Honestly, I prefer the way you do it. The house beats you used really beat his lame kick sounds. For newgrounds, the beat intro is too long, so you're likely to get zero bombing because of that. (ooh, sexy use of portamento) at 1:29.

As for improvement: I think it would be really cool if you moved into some really euphoric melodies using really trancy pads. Anyways good luck to you. Voted 5. Hope this helped.

DJDela responds:

First of all, thank you for reviewing.
I didn't spend much time on this project, so, there is a lot of work to be done here.
I will try what you suggested, and see if it fits the song...
It doesn't matter if it has 1 minute drum intro or not, some idiots will always give a zero, without even listening to the song...

Sweet Bass... gotta say.

The kick/bass relationship is great. The kick flows quite nicely into the bass. It's really smooth and pretty much perfect for this song. Though I don't know if it will sound good, you could boost a narrow range of higher frequencies (as with a filter cutoff that has high resonance).

The drums are quite cool. The retro style fits the bass and lead quite well. I did notice, however, that there was some phasing with the high hats, so if you're using multiple, I would either pan them more, or adjust the pitch of both until the phasing is gone. If that's the desired effect, then maybe it would sound better if it were a little less pronounced (because it is a cool effect)

I really like the idea about the pad lead as well.
The one thing I gotta say about the it though is that the pitch lfo (or whatever is controlling the vibrato effect) is too strong. If you agree, then maybe you could control the amplitude or frequency (if you want to spend a lot of time adjusting it) of that lfo with another lfo.

Besides that, its a very cool song. You need to finish it!

nightsurfermusic responds:

I go back and listen to it now, there is a shit ton of clipping. I don't even have the project file for it anymore. -.-

Nice job

Kudos on the pads. They're perfect, but I think you went a little crazy with the square leads. >.> Haha. The arp is decent. I think it would sound better with more waves. The sound that comes at :30 is also quite good. I would try to bring out that type of sound since it's catchy. A tip for square leads: add saw waves and saturation to enhance the sound since the square wave is a bit sharp sounding. Anyways, the song is quite good. The bass connects with the kick. The drums are crisp. The melodies are quite nice too, especially the one at 2:00. To make that part sound incredible, add some saw waves to the lead that are -1 octave.
Nicely done.

TeHLoY responds:

Ah, yes, I definitely overused the square synths. =P

The pads were just a sytrus preset, heavily modified in terms of waveform. Many of my synths are modified sytrus presets, but fortunately, they sound nothing like the original.

I feel I use the melody at :30 too often. Was a bit afraid of bringing it up too much, but since you said it was nice...

Saw waves to squares? Pretty neat idea, I usually feel that saws seem to take over square waves due to harmonics, and try to avoid that. It's just the weird way that waves interact, putting a square and saw wave together, in exactly the same volume (amplitude) will simply half the volume of the saw, and putting the square at an octave lower will reduce the pitch of the saw by an octave. Weird stuff, but it kind of makes sense in a strict mathematical way.

What do you mean by adding more waves to the arp? You mean more oscillators to detune it more? Seems like my computer is struggling with just a few. Bad soundcard. =/

Nice job.

The melodies and ideas are very cool. The implementation has some issues though. The drums were nice and crisp. I could use a little bit more punch with the kick drum, and a snare that is a little less cheesy.
For the synths. The first one was good. The one that comes at :24 is not so good. I can see what you are going for though. To improve the sound of that, some reverb would be nice. Pads in the background sound amazing with that kind of lead (increase the higher frequencies of the pads if you already mixed them in there) . Other thing. Add some note dynamics. Use LFO's to alter the pitch just slightly. Then add some slight detune to the saws. The one that comes in at the break is better in my opinion. Just mix the two together, and you have a nice saw lead that has a nice textured detune.

Hope this helped. Overall, it's pretty good.

TeHLoY responds:

Hmm... Awesome suggestions you've made!
I do agree, the one that came in .24 isn't too good, I was aiming for a video-gamey e.guitar sound, but it ended up like that. It does sound a bit sharp, maybe I should have just lowered the high frequencies of that.
Pads? Never really thought of adding it there. And a subtle LFO? Man, you're good at looking for when to add these stuff. ;)

Yup, I think this song can definitely be improved, but I don't plan on touching this song unless I have to =X And thanks for the great suggestions on how to improve!


This is purely amazing. Love the lead. It sort of has a Ben Preston feel to it (My favorite). Nice work.

aliaspharow responds:

Thanks man you not so bad yourself!

Han Altae-Tran @PrEmoEffect

Age 31, Male


Joined on 10/20/07

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